"A Slight Case of Anthrax"
October 11, 2001 9:27 PM   Subscribe

"A Slight Case of Anthrax" CBS pulls tonights episode of The Agency (at least on the West Coast, don't know about East Coast). Hmmm...I can't imagine why: "The team works against the clock to stop an anthrax threat in the United States. A Belgian kennel has fallen victim to a terrorist attack in which the deadly disease anthrax was used. When the CIA discovers the perpetrator's identity and that Washington, D.C., is his next target, the team mobilizes to stop the criminal before he can reach the capital." Is the shrinking line between truth and fiction becoming too close for comfort?
posted by nix (6 comments total)
Is the shrinking line between truth and fiction becoming too close for comfort?
Dear god man! - you don't actually talk like that, do you?
posted by holloway at 9:30 PM on October 11, 2001

its really don pardo. he got a webtv.
posted by quonsar at 9:39 PM on October 11, 2001

Dear god man! - you don't actually talk like that, do you?

not usually. point taken. learning as I go.
posted by nix at 9:54 PM on October 11, 2001

In other Anthrax entertainment news: ANTHRAX FAQ (sorry if this is a repost and thanks to Dave for the link.)
posted by arielmeadow at 12:11 AM on October 12, 2001

The show was cancelled on the East Coast because, in case you hadn't noticed, the president announced Thursday morning that he was holding a press conference at 8 pm Eastern. That went till about 8:45, after which CBS desperately wanted to air Survivor and CSI, the two biggest hits on the entire network, while not also pissing off its East Coast affiliates, who don't appreciate having to air their extremely profitable local newscasts at midnight when everyone's already gone to bed. (Nor did CBS want to shove the newly resurgent Letterman to 12:35.) So the shitty show that nobody watches got yanked. (Last week The Agency had less than 25% the number of viewers of its competitor ER.)

The show was then cancelled on the West Coast because the show was cancelled on the East Coast, and the last thing a struggling show like The Agency needs is to end up ranked something like 115th this week because it was only aired in 35% of the country.

See also this E Online article from earlier in the evening which stated CBS was planning on airing The Agency, "time permitting."
posted by aaron at 1:11 AM on October 12, 2001

"A Belgian kennel ..."

Good lord - not the Belgian dogs! Please, won't somebody think of the dogs?
posted by skwm at 3:38 AM on October 12, 2001

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